
Project During BS In CompSci: HIDS Paper

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During my BS degree in Computer Science I worked on a HIDS project. My goal was to understand how HIDSs evolved, and how a HIDS can detect threats and report incidents.
This paper is divided into three parts:

  1. HIDS features in general.
  2. Comparison between two open-source HIDSs (Wazuh & Samhain) based on their features.
  3. Deploying and testing Wazuh HIDS using real world attacks.

I managed to get some hands-on experience working with a HIDS (deploy, configure, maintain). During testing, I learned about limitations HIDS suffer from, and why a HIDS will fail at detecting certain attacks/breaches.

The most important thing is that IDSs are no longer mysterious to me. :grin:

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